Meaning of a Samskrit line
(too old to reply)
2013-07-10 17:12:33 UTC
Dear All,

[Cross-posted with "samskrita" group]

I have been trying to figure out the meaning (and source) of the following text. I read it in the context of upanishads in a newspaper but despite searching for its source, I could not trace its source text.

एतेन मे निबन्धेनार्पिता वै गुरुदक्षिणा ||

I will greatly appreciate if any of you could explain what it means and its so
2013-07-10 21:43:29 UTC
I tried to guess the meaning of this line by using Samskrit-English dictionaries online:

एतेन - by this
मे - I/mine
निबन्धेनार्पिता - निबन्धेन + अर्पिता - record + payment
वै गुरुदक्षिणा - fees to the guru

So the meaning might be: By this, I record the payment of fees to (my) guru.

Is that the right interpretation? I still could not get the original source.

Post by v***@gmail.com
Dear All,
[Cross-posted with "samskrita" group]
I have been trying to figure out the meaning (and source) of the following text. I read it in the context of upanishads in a newspaper but despite searching for its source, I could not trace its source text.
एतेन मे निबन्धेनार्पिता वै गुरुदक्षिणा ||
I will greatly appreciate if any of you could explain what it means and its source.